This page was last updated: 20-jan-2008
Hi, my name is Anders Fernström and I am 26 years old. I come from a
little village, named Nusnäs, in Sweden. The village is located by the
lake Siljan in Dalecarlian, not far from the town Mora. Mora is famous for
the crosscountry ski race Vasaloppet.
There lives about 800 people in Nusnäs and the village is famous for
the Dalecarlian horse being manufactured there. For those who don't know
what a Dalecarlian horse is, here is a picture of one, click [here].

After spending 9 years in grade school I moved to a bigger town, named
Ludvika, 14 swedish miles (approximately 88 english) away from home. At this
point I was only 15 years old and I had to live alone in a small appartment.
The school was a technical school run by the company ABB.
The schooldays was from 8:20am to 4:30pm, but I usely never went home before
6:00-7:00pm. After I graduated from the school, after 3 years of study, I
moved back home to Nusnäs. During my 3 years in Ludvika I learned alot,
mustly about liveing on my own, and I got friends for life.
After this I hade to do military training, because in Sweden we have
compulsory military service. I spended 7,5 months in the army, and learned
almost nothing of importants. The only thing I got out of my time in the
army was good friends and a driving licence for truck with trailer. Here are
some picture from my time in the army.
After the army I moved to Linköping to studing Computer Science and
Engineering at Linköping University, LiU.
There I took a Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering degree.
My final thesis was about designing and developing an electronic notebook,
named OMNotebook, for the OpenModelica project,
a project coordinated by the Programming Environment Laboratory (PELAB) at
the Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA) at Linköping
Univerity (LiU).

During the summer break from my studys I worked as a truck driver for a small
company in Mora. Now, after my studys are done, I'm working for a small software
company in Linköping, as a software engineer. The company focus on
large-scale communication, archive and case management applications, primarily
for authorities.

I'm very intrested in rolegames (RPG), science fiction and computers. My
favourite science fictions stories are Star Wars, Babylon 5, Farscap and
Stargate. I realy like Babylon 5 and that's the main reason for why I mostly use
Babylon 5 ships in my art work. Babylon 5 is in my opinion the greatest Sci-fi
serie ever, because of the great story and character development. Years back I
played a lot of computer games, but now I have almost no time for computer games.
My work with rolegames, the websites and Lightwave 3D takes moste of my spare
time. The few times when I play computer games I almost only plays strategy games.
Some of the computer games that I really like are: StarCraft, XIII, Civilization III,
Freelancer, Neverwinter Nights I and II, UFO Aftermath, UFO Aftershock and
UFO Afterlight.
Favourite stuff

My favourite movies are the Star Wars movies (the new ones is okey, but not
as good as the old ones) along with some others: The Matrix (only the first
one), The last Samurai, Starship Troppers (second one is crap), Pitch Black,
Riddick, Abyss, Gladiator, Heat and Braveheart. The list is very long, this
was just some of the movies I like. I like watching movies and tv series
very much and I often go to the cinema.
My three favourite books are: White Ninja, The ruin and The Visitor.
> The Ruin, is a book writen by Kevin J. Anderson. It's about
agent Fox Mulder and Dana Scully from the tv serie The X-Files. The story is
about a ruined town from the maya indians. A American archeologist team
disappear and Mulder and Scully are sent there to investigate.
> White Ninja, is a book writen by Eric Van Lustbader, about the
ninja Nicholas Linnear. He is a half Japanese and half American. Lustbader
have writen many books about Linnear and they are all very good. In this
book Linnear losses his ninjapower and have to get the back. I have read
many books writen by Lustbader and I think he is a very good writer.
> The Visitor, is writen by Lee Child and is a book about Jack
Reacher. Reacher is a former military polic that now have retired and
wanders a round without anything particulary to do. In the book he
involentary gets involved in an FBI investigation. I have read six books of
Childs books about Jack Reacher and I thing they all are great.
Golds in Life

Like all other people on this planet I have dreams for my life. In my dreams
I'm a bed tester (night time) and a elevator driver (day time). I think it
would be wonderful, just sleep all night and get payed doing it. And during
the days you drive your elevator up and down all day long...

Here is some information and images of some things that I have made or done.
> Grill
During the summer 2004 I, my father and my brother Jon made ourselves a
grill. It took us about week to make it. Just so everyone hows, I thing the
grill locks like shit... I didn't want a roof on it, but everyone else in
the family wanted one.
> Pond
In the summer 2005 I and my brother Jon made a small pond in our parents
garden. It took us the entire summer to make the pond. We didn't have to dig
that much, but we hade to transport a lot of soil to our pond to level the
ground. The pond consists of two smaller ponds connected by a small stream
of water. Here are some images taken during the construction of the pond.
More images can be found either on my online photo album
or on the website (damm.fernhoo.com)
made by my brother, regarding the creation of the pond.
During the summer 2006 me and my bother Jon continued working on the pond
we started on in 2005. Are aim this year was to create something that would
cover the edges, the space between the water and the soil, of the pond. We
did this using mosquito net, glue and stones in varying sizes. Like last
before, we took a lot of photos during our work. Some of this photos can be
seen below and more on my online photo album.

My family consist of me, my father, my mother, two younger brothers and a
younger sister. My father, Bengt, is a carpender and my mothers name is
Anna-Lena. She currenlty work as a Dalecarlian horses painter. My sister
Lina is 24 years old and is working as a hairdresser. My two younger
brothers are Jon (19 years) and Erik, a.k.a. Jacob, (15 years). It's only
me and Jon that call Erik for Erik, the rest of the family and friends call
him Jacob.
My Computer

This is my computer that I am currently using.
Thermaltake Mozart TX Chassi
Intel Core2 Duo E6600 2,4GHz
2048 MB DDR2-Ram PC6400
512 MB ASUS GeForce 7950GT
150 GB Harddrive (raptor)
2x400 GB Harddrive (raid1)
2x500 GB Harddrive
320 GB Harddrive (external)
2x 19" LCD screen
Windowx XP Professional
LightWave 3D v9.3

If you want to contact me, click [here]
// Anders Fernström