Hi and welcome to my webpage. My name is Anders Fernström and I'm from
Sweden. I loves all kind of Sci-fi stories, particularly Babylon 5, Farscape and
Star Wars. Babylon 5 is in my opinion the best Sci-fi serie ever, because
of the great story and character development. I'm currently living in the town
Linköping, where I'm working as a software engineer at a small software
Work takes up alot of time right now, but I usually spend hours of my spare
time working with LightWave 3D. Right now I'm mainly working on a few starship
models. To see this models, check out my work in progress
page. When I first started working with LightWave I was very intressted in
making images, but in recent years I have become more and more intressted in
creating models instead. So I'm not sure when I will get the inspiration to
create another images.
Why the address fernhoo.com? During my time in
the Swedish army I got the nickname "fernhoo" and since that I
have used fernhoo as my screenname on Internet, so "fernhoo" was
the obvious choice for my webaddress.
The following things on my website
> Images that I have done, using LightWave 3D.
> Some models, done in LightWave 3D.
> Images on models I'm currently working on.
> Maps made for StarCraft.
> Information about me.
> Links to other great Babylon 5, Star Wars and Sci-Fi websites.
Currently I'm working on
> Attempting to do some models in LightWave.
> Writing my own RPG.
> A computer program for a RPG I'm working on.
Latest news/events
> Updated work in progress page.
> Updated the about me page.
//Anders Fernström

Website last updated: