This page contains a link collection to some great websites. Most of them
contains Babylon 5, Star Wars or some other sci-fi information, but some
also contain 3D art resorces. If you want me to add your website, report a
broken link or know any good homepage, please contact me
and I will fix it.
The links was last checked: 29-sep-2006
The last link was added: 13-feb-2008
Babylon 5 links
This is the offical website for Babylon 5. On this website you can find some
pictures, infomration, web-games and a lot more. In my opinion this is quite
a good site, but you can find better Babylon 5 websites.
"Worlds of JMS" - This website is dedicated to the works of
Michael J. Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5. On this site you find all
kinds of information about his work.
"The Babylon 5 Tech-Manual", is a very good website. It contents a
lot of information about the Babylon 5 universe; there is many calcaulation
of weapon strange, technology etc. You can also find essays about sheld,
weapons, engine etc. A very good website if you're look for information.
"Tigerclaw's Sci-Fi Pages" - This website shows the artwork and
models done by Brandon Bray. The site also present visual evidence in the
form of screen captures. The site was recently updated with all the content
that used to be at the original Tigerclaw site.
The website is an ungoing project to develop an Babylon 5 RPG game site
for fans, based upon Mongoose Publishing RPG for Babylon 5. The site also
contains a forum (
for Babylon 5 discussions.
"Down Below Sound Archive for Babylon 5", this website contents
a lot of sounds from Babylon 5. On the website more then 2400 sounds can
be download. Sounds can also be downloaded from Crusade and all the
Babylon 5 movies.
"F-Nine Digital", is Craig A. Clark's website. Here you can find
information about his work. He is very good and makes some very good models
and images. Clark is also the one who converted Thomas Banner's ISA
Excalibur mesh from 3D Studio MAX3 to Lightwave.
"Mesh Weaver" - This is Fabio Passaro website and here you can
find his pictures and models. Most of them are of Babylon 5 ships, but there
are some Star Wars, Star Trek and misc sci-fi models too. You can also find
some very good tutorials on this page. One of the best thing about this page
is that you can download many good models of planets and moons. Thanks Fabio!
Now he is also hosting Matthew Tarling models.
"190 Bester Place" - This website contains a huge amont of
information, for example it contains information about episodes, characters
and ships. The page also contains quotes, glossary, statistics, books
information, picture gallery and some really funny stuff. In my opinion this
page is a great website with a lot of good and intresting information.
"JumpNow - a Babylon 5 archive" - This page contents mostly
pictures, sounds and fanfiction. I don't know much about this page, but the
page look very good and it have quite a lot of sounds.
"The Lost Files of G'Kane", is Mark Kane´s homepage. He makes very
good Babylon 5 models, for example Minbari Warcruiser, Minbari Fighter and
the EA Starfury.
"Parallax 3D" - Here you can find models and pictures for Babylon
5 and Star Trek. You can also find some skins for the wings of the EA
"Babylon 5's ISN News: The Zocalo" - was created to keep fans
informed what was happening to the stars of Babylon 5. It is an interactive
newsletter that encouraging readers to join a discussion topic or to send
along letters that can be shared with other readers.
"The Babylon Project" - On this website you can find all kind of
information about Babylon 5, for example you can find information about the
diffrent races. You can also find information about the babylon project
"FirstOnes - Your source for everything Babylon 5" - On this
website you can find all kind of information and other stuff regarding the
Babylon 5 universe.
"Voltayre's Encyclopedia Xenobiologica" - A Babylon 5 encyclopedia
with a lot of information about the different aliens, organizations,
technologies, etc. in the Babylon 5 universe.
"Triton FX", is a website where you can find some great pictures
made with Lightwave 3D. The page is quite small and dosen't contain a lot.
"Babylon 5 Encyclopedia" - The website contains a lot of
information, just click on a word and get the explanation of the word.
Star Wars links
" - Star Wars News for the Fans by the Fans", is a
very good website regarding the Star Wars universe. The website contents
information, pictures, sound and much more. You can also find Star Park´s
offical webpage on this site. In my opinion this is one of the best Star
Wars pages.
The offical Star Wars homepage, here you can find a lot of information about
the Star Wars universe.
"The Force - Your Daily dose of Star Wars" - This website contents
a lot of information about Star Wars, but also pictures, sounds and other
intresting stuff. You can also find some sci-fi 3D meshes on a hosted site
(Sci-Fi 3D).
The best swedish website about Star Wars. The page mostly contents news and
information about the Star Wars universe. This page is in swedish :-(
"Obi-wan´s Jedi Academy", a quite good website with for example a
lot of costume tips and instructions on how to build lightsabers.
"Emperors Hammer" Havn't spent a lot of time checking out the
page, it seems to be quite a good website.
"The Jedi Knights Homepage", a good Star Wars homepage with a lot
of information about the force and the jedi knights.
Other Sci-Fi links
"Wallpaperlinks", is Gilles Nuytens website where you can find
links to great sci-fi and anime wallpapers sites. The page have a very good
look and is general very nice. There is also a small description, picture
and grade at every link, which is real great in my opinion. There is also
some of Gilles Nuytens personal art on the page.
The website of Janos Miklos, who has a great interest in space and space technology.
On his site you can find his images, models and more.
"Desktop Starships" - This website contents a lot of diffrent
staff, for example you can find windows themes here. There are a lso a lot
of pictures on the website. Most of the pictures are from Babylon 5, Star
Wars or Star Trek. New pictures are added each month.
"mySTARSHIP", is a sci-fi website that offer free e-mail, free
webspace and a free banner exchange (that helps other sites grow). This site
is partner with Desktop Starship (link above).
This website contains news and information about Stargate. Some of the
information that can be found on this page regards news, spoilers,
interviews, episode guide and transcripts.
"Stargate - 3D" is the website of Ed Giddings. On this site Ed
display his models, images and animations that he have created based on
Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis.
"The Scifi World" is a website with a lot of different science
fiction resources; wallpapers, images, fonts, interviews, etc. One of the
main persons behind the site is Gilles Nuytens and a lot of the wallpapers
on the site is his.
"Lady Maigrey's Andromeda Ascendant" - A page that have everything
you need, regarding the tv-series "Andromeda". You can for example
find pictures, episode guides, fanfiction, fanart and a lot more.
The website of digital artist & compositor Thomas Banner. He has for example
made the ISA Excalibur mesh that Craig A. Clark conversion to lightwave
" - 3D scifi movies" - On this page you can find
many good animated 3D movis. Mostly about Babylon 5, Star Wars or Star Trek.
"Daystrom Institute Technical Library" - This is a very good Star
Trek page, if you are looking for any kind of information.
"Outpost 13", contains the accumulation of the lifes work of
Lee Crystal's SciFi art work and writings. The website also contains
original music of Ryan Gill.
3D Art/Resource links
"Foundation 3D" - A great website for CG Artists, created from the
old "Lightwave Group" website. The goal of the website is to create
a community where CG Artists can improve themselves in the best way possible.
The forum on the website is great and there is a lot of free resources (textures,
meshes, tutorials and more).
"Alternate Perspective 3D. 3D Animation, Netvork Render Farm Services
and Web Authoring" - On this page you can find some of the best models,
for example Kier Darby´s Whitestar (a need for every Babylon 5 fan). You can
also find some of the best tutorials (BetterSpace they are called) on how to
do things in Lightwave. After reading the tutorial on how to do a starfield,
I was able to do my first model ever in Lightwave. Thanks Kier Darby!
"Sci-Fi 3D: The Ultimate 3D Sci-Fi Resource" - This website is
hosted by and contains a lot of free models, mostly Star Wars
models for obvious reason.
"3D Valley - Resource for 3D models textures totorials and more" -
This website contains a lot of information and links regarding models,
textures, tutorials, plug-ins, 3D modeling and much more.
"3D Total - The cg artists home page" - Here you can find a lot of
free stuff; models, tutorials and textures. You also find some very good
pictures here. This is a very good website in my opinion.
"LightWave® - Go Ahead, Make A Scene" This is the official
website of Lightwave 3D.
"", is a wesite where you can download a large
number of sci-fi meches, mostly star trek meshes. There is also some
pictures on this site.
"3D Cafe" - On this page you can find a lot of free models,
texture and other free stuff that you can need to make 3D art.
"Foto Search royaltyfria bilder och grafik" - A swedish page where
you can find royalty free pictures.
Friends & Family links
My brother Jon website about the pond that he and I made during the summer
of 2005. The page is in swedish, but it mostly contains pictures of our
works. The site havn't been updated with the work we did during the summer
of 2006, but images from this work can be found on my photo album.
My online photo album. Most pictures are family pictures.
My friend Gunnur´s website. This site is mostly about Gunnur himself.
Unfortunately this site is in swedish. :(